Apple is working on a fix for iOS 9.3 link crashing bugf

After a significant number of iOS users complained on Apple’s support forums that their iOS 9.3 device sometimes freezes after tapping on a link, the company announced it is working on a fix.

“We are aware of this issue, and we will release a fix in a software update soon,” the company said, according to 9to5Mac.

Read More: Apple’s iOS 9.3 has even more issues than we thought

As of this writing, the thread on Apple’s support forums pointing out the issue has more than 620 replies, indicating the problem is widespread.

According to most complaints, tapping on a link in a browser, such as Safari or Chrome, or an app like Twitter, sometimes causes the phone to lock up. Disabling JavaScript in Safari or opening the link in a new tab (by holding it) is a temporary fix for some users, but not all.

The bug seems to be tied to the app; YouTube user Sergey Roshchin published a video (in Russian, below) in which he demonstrates his iPad experiencing the issue only after the app is installed. However, some user reports indicate that other apps might cause the issue as well.